Pups first duck. This is Falling Feathers Big Smoke. Out of VC Ripsnorters Outlaw Grounds (Judeeeee :)) and Cedarwoods Cowboy Oakley UT 1 (Case) Got to love the cooperation in these pups.
Paladins Go Man Go “Gunny” bird intro. Pup is by Cedarwoods Harley and out of a Hardtrigger female. Which is sired by Cedarwoods Image of Tukr and out of a Czar sister. High hopes…
I walked away to fill a water bowl for to two minutes and this under 5 week pup went missing. He made his way to the duck pen and got stuck in a live trap. Instincts make the struggle real..
Ducks are filthy animals. My daughter does most of daily care for them but they sure make a mess. I wish there was a neighbor on the way to the training water with an on demand duck dispensary.