Cedarwoods Harley
Harley (deceased) is out of VC Cedarwoods Zabrina by VC Bruedersthal’s Al. He was owned by NAVHDA Judge, Ken Pierce from WI. Harley was around 73 lbs. and 26” at the shoulder. He was well built of solid muscle and bird drive. He loved to retrieve waterfowl. He could handle large geese and he had the coat to do it in the cold.
Both of his parents were Versatile Champions. Harley was a Prized I Utility dog was also invited to the Versatile Championship Test. Unfortunately, a mishap at the steady by blind caused him not to prize that day.
He is linebred with Cedarwoods First Offense (aka Tukr) showing a 50% C.O.R as his maternal grandfather and his paternal great-grandfather. Tukr is the all-time leading sire of Pudelpointers and also most other versatile breeds. His mother lines go back to Cedarwoods Calendar Girl and Haverhill’s Aleeta on both sides of his pedigree.